I have installed a Challenger antenna. The antenna was real easy to assemble. I put the antenna together in about 3 hrs. The instructions are excellent on how to build the antenna. I installed the antenna on my garage roof on a 5 ft. tripod. I do have the antenna guyed down. As you can see I put nylon rope on the bottom of the guy wires for shock cords. The antenna has been up for 5 months and has survived wind gusts of 54 mph. Chris advised me that I might have to add on to the counterpoise due to mounting the antenna on the garage roof. When I checked the SWR it was high on all bands. I added 10′ of wire onto each counterpoise wires. After cutting the extra wire down to 6 1/2 ft the SWR was 1:1.1 across all the bands. I have worked 5 countries on a 100 watts so far. I have been receiving excellent reports on how the antenna is doing on 80 to 2 meters.